Newsletter Archive
Click on any of the archived monthly newsletters below for further resources.
November: The Holiday Season: Difficulties and Pleasures
August: The Power of Financial Professionals: Why Many Choose to Hire One
July: The Importance of Financial Planning: Why Seeking Advice Benefits Everyone
June: Retirement
May: Payment Count Adjustment Towards IDR and PSLF Programs
April: Inflation and Budgeting
March: Updates on the Housing Market
February: The Pursuit of Happiness
January: The Impacts of Secure 2.0
December: Tax-loss Harvesting
November: Your Giving Vehicle
October: Financial Decision Making
September: Preparing for the Road Ahead
August: How Interest Rates Affect You
July: Estate Planning
June: Inflation Basics and Outlook
May: What Makes for a Happy Retirement?
April: Personal, Small Business, and Real Estate Taxes
March: Ukraine
February: Can Money Buy Happiness?
January: Mindset Hacks
December: Gratitude
November: The Holidays
October: Entrepreneurship
September: Property and Casualty Insurance
August: Inflation
July: Financial Freedom
June: Budgeting
May: Social Security
April: Stimulus and Taxes
March: National Debt
February: Managing Funds
January: Social Media
December: Mistakes to Avoid in the New Year
November: Cybersecurity
October: Student Loans and Politics
September: Presidential Elections and the Market
August: Investing in Real Estate
July: Investing in Your Health
June: Factor Investing
April: Responding to COVID-19
March: Refinancing Your Debt
February: Accessing Retirement Funds Early
January: Goals
December: Leisure and Contentment
November: Buying a Car
September: When Should You Hire a Financial Advisor?
August: Education
July: Debt Repayment
June: Asset Protection
May: Millennials
April: FIRE
March: Loss/Grief
February: Index Funds
January: Resolutions
December: Charitable Giving
November: Insurance
October: The Way You Look at Your Money
September: Resources for Comprehensive Planning
August: Wealth/Happiness
July: Estate Planning
June: Student Loans
May: Spring Clean Up
April: Alternative Investing
March: Investing
February: Early Retirement
January: Taxes
December: Lifestyle Design
November: Happiness and Budgeting
October: Expected Value Analysis
September: De-risking Your Life
August: Optimization
July: Mortgage/Real Estate
June: Jobs
Resources by Topic
I have compiled resources under the following headings for pertinent information gathering should you decide to pursue further self-study. If you have any recommended resources that I can add to these categories, please let me know!
Credit given to Sharon Rich, Ed.D, of Womoney for the inspiration to provide such a page as well as for many of the resources contained therein.